**The Family Center does not endorse any organizations or individuals outside of the Alden Central School District. These resources are for informational purposes and should be pursued based on the consumer's own criteria.

Youth and Family Resources

Family, Safety and Stabilization - Multisystemic Therapy

Multisystemic Therapy, or MST, is designed to help youth ages 12 to 17 (*10-17 years old in Niagara County) who are experiencing chronic problematic behaviors, such as truancy, verbal and/or physical aggression, running away and criminal activity. The goal of MST is to set the youth on track for success and to give caregivers the tools they need to navigate any future relapses.


  Child Advocacy Centers

Child Advocacy Centers provide a child-friendly, safe, supportive environment for child victims of abuse/neglect and their non-offending caretakers. Children and their non-offending care takers will have access to victim advocacy, mental health and specialized medical exams from a multi-disciplinary team of professionals.

  • Erie â€“ 556 Franklin St., Buffalo, NY 14202, Phone: 716-886-5437

  • Genessee â€“ 304 East Main St., Lower Level, Batavia, NY 14020, Phone: 585-344-8576

  • Wyoming - 31 Duncan St., Warsaw, NY 14569, Phone: 585-344-8576


  WNY Children’s Psychiatric Center Mobile Integration Team (MIT)

These services may include, but are not limited to: brief therapeutic support, skill building, crisis assessment and intervention, consultation and information, peer support groups and skills training, family and caregiver support and skills building, behavioral support and consultation, in-home and community based respite
